
How To Repair PS3 HDMI Problems

Among PS3 HDMI problem, blank screen error can consider as top of PS3 problematic chart, colloquially referred to by many gamers called as "black screen of death". The HDMI black screen error can cause your monitor/TV screen turned blank and inability of your PS3 console to function properly. Is a nasty problem to fix but doesn't mean that you can't fix it at all.

In fact, the good news is this error can be fixed, and you have few options that you can choose to get back to the games. Keep on reading this hub, and share with you how actually you can get rid of this PS3 HDMI black screen error yourself.

PS3 HDMI Black Screen Repair Tips to Share:

Read through below tips on how to fix Playstation 3 HDMI Problems

Tips 1: The main reason of HDMI black screen problem due to HDMI cable may damage and not proper connected to the PS3 console. Please follow below step to troubleshoot PS3 HDMI cables problem:

1) Restart your PlayStation 3.
2) Look for loose cables.
3) Try to unplug all cables except the power cord, and plug them back in. If you found out that your HDMI cable is damage, do borrow your friend cable and have a try. If your friend cable work fine, and the black screen error disappear. Then you can buy a brand new PS3 HDMI cable for replacement.

Tips 2: If tips 1 not working, you need to go another step deeper by reset your console. Most of the PS3 gamers not aware that Sony actually done include in the black screen troubleshooting method and other HDMI problems in the PS3 manual, you can find it under troubleshooting section - topic "console reset".

If you do it correctly, the console reset fix will allow you to reset back your PS3 to its default HDMI settings without impacting your gamer profile, and other storage data in hard drive.

You will need to perform the following steps:

1. Place your PS3 in stand-by mode.
2. Hold down the touch power button until a series of beeps are heard.
3. Listen for one long beep, followed to two shorter beeps.
4. Release the power button.
5. Follow the instructions on screen.

PS3 Black Screen Problem Still Exist?

Still can't get rib of PS3 HDMI problems?

The successful rate of above method is 80% to fix the PS3 HDMI black screen of death problem. What happen if above tips not working after i follow exactly the ways mention above? In this case, your PS3 black screen problem is more complex and require more effort to get it working properly again. There are 2 options that you can go to:

Option 1: Send Back to Sony for Repair.

Just give a call (Sony service number located on their official website) to local Sony service to pick up your broken PS3.Sony can repair your PS3 almost everything, regardless what error has affected your console, including ylod (yellow light of death) error, hard drive error, disc not reading and this - the HDMI black screen error as well. If your PS3 console still within the warranty period, encourage you to send your console over to Sony. Else, if your PS3 warranty period is expired, then it will cost you $150 to get the black screen of death repaired, which is a big amount of money too. You may need to wait for quite a long time, to get your PlayStation3 game console back in your hand. Sometimes, you may also need to wait for over 6 weeks! Hence, I think this is the last possible solution that you should go for.

Option 2: Fix It Yourself

Fixing a HDMI black screen problem not as complicated as you think it was. If you knew the proper and correct step to begin, you can get back your PS3 in action within hours. You not need to be a high IQ technical geek in order to get this job done. All you need is a professional and high quality PS3 repair guide to teach step by step on how to fix PS3 HDMI problem by yourself.