
How to use a ps2 RFU adapter

The PlayStation 2 is the most popular console on the market today. With more people reserving space on their shelves for the newer consoles, however, some people have found it hard to find space for their PS2. Thankfully with a TV Tuner card and a RFU Adapter, hooking a PS2 to your PC is easy.


Things You'll Need

    PlayStation 2 console PC with TV tuner card PlayStation 2 RFU adapter

 1. Plug the end of the RFU Adapter labeled "A/V" into the back of your PlayStation 2.

 2. Connect the end labeled "TV" to the TV Tuner card, specifically where the television cable would normally go.

 3. Screw the television cable to the antenna to allow for you to continue watching television through your TV tuner.

 4. Flip the switch on the back of the RFU Adapter to "Channel 3."

 5. On your PC be sure to set the channel of whatever software is using the TV Tuner (e.g. Windows Media Center) to 3.


PS3 Troubleshooting - No Picture on My Screen During Gaming

In this guide to PS3 troubleshooting you are going to learn how to solve the "no picture" error on your console. If you aren't seeing a picture on your TV screen when trying to play your favorite games or watch Blu-ray movies then keep reading to learn how to fix this. Troubleshooting PS3 no picture errors is not anywhere near as hard as you might think at first.
Quite often the reason behind you having no picture on your PS3 console is rather simple and won't involve much effort to fix. Because of this, when you are repairing PS3 graphic display errors there are a few simple steps you need to follow first, before you try anything more complex. Here's the lowdown on what you need to attempt:
1. Check that your TV has the right input selected. For example you may be on the wrong HDMI input, meaning that even though everything is functioning correctly you cannot see anything because you are effectively on the wrong "channel'. Double check that you have the right one selected for your TV.
2. It may also pay to scroll through all of the options available (usually done by pressing the "AV" button or something similar) to see if you or someone else has accidentally changed a setting. This is often the case if you share a TV with other people.
3. Remove the "AV" cable from your PS3, and then gently blow any dust out of the cable connectors and the cable's associated port. Re-insert the cable then restart your PS3 console to see if this has got rid of the no picture error. Sometimes the cable can come loose if your PS3 is moved or bumped, and no video will be able to display therefore. Also check the connection that goes into the TV itself in this manner too.
Hopefully one of the three PS3 troubleshooting steps above will fix the no picture problem on your console and enable you to get back in the game as quickly as possible.

How to Fix PS3 Laser - Step By Step Instructions to Repair PS3 Disc Laser

If the Blu-Ray disc drive in your PS3 isn't working properly then it is likely that the lens has broken. Sony will charge you around $150 to repair this problem, which is a huge sum of money, not to mention that you will have to wait probably more than six weeks to get your console returned to you in working condition. In this article you are going to learn how to fix PS3 laser errors yourself, with step-by-step instructions. You can repair your PS3 Blu-Ray drive yourself, and it really isn't that difficult to do at all.

What you will need to fix your PS3 laser:

• Mini-screwdriver set (cross-headed screwdrivers)
• Spare Blu-Ray drive laser lens (these can be purchased off eBay, or taken from other Blu-Ray drives, the part number is #kem-400aaa) It's available http://www.zeromartz.com/kem-400-aaa-laser-lens-deck-for-ps3-p-1028.html of $60.90
• An hour's spare time
• A clean, well-lit workspace

Here's how to fix PS3 laser errors by replacing the Blu-Ray lens yourself:
1. Remove the top cover from your PS3, along with the power plug for the Blu-Ray unit.
2. Lift the Blu-Ray drive from its seated position and very gently unclip the silver data ribbon (it should have a blue colored ending on it)
3. Remove the two silver screws on the top/bottom of the right-hand side, and the three black screws on the left-hand side of the drive.
4. Lift off the metal casing of the Blu-Ray unit., exposing the actual workings of the unit beneath.
5. Unscrew the screws on the black colored plate which covers the lens circuitry. Remove this plate carefully.
6. Remove the Blu-Ray lens screws, then remove the lens unit itself.
7. Put your new lens in, ensure it is seated correctly, then start screwing everything back together (just reverse the above instructions)
8. Voila, your PS3 should be working again as new!



DualShock 3 Will Not Connect to the PS3

The DualShock 3 controllers were the second official PS3 controllers. They added a vibration feature to the already-standard controls available on the original Sixaxis gamepads. These controllers normally work well and are easy to maintain, but if you’re struggling to use your DualShock 3 controller with your PS3, you can usually resolve the issue by taking a couple of moments to “re-pair” the controller.

 Re-Pair the Controller

 * When a DualShock 3 controller won't connect to a PS3, the cause is almost always one of two problems. Either the controller is not "paired" with that PS3, or the battery is dead. Since pairing a controller requires the use of the USB charging cord, check on pairing and the battery level using the same process. First, insert a paperclip or a similar small object into the hole for the reset button on the bottom of the controller near the "L2" trigger button. This isn’t required, but since you’re re-pairing the controller anyway, you might as well reset the controller. Next, turn on the PS3 and then connect your controller to it using its USB cord. Press the "PS" button and wait for a moment. The LEDs on top of the controller will begin blinking, and then one of them will remain lit to show you the controller's number. If you want to check the battery level, press and hold the "PS" button for a couple of seconds, and the battery level will appear on the TV screen. As long as the battery isn't depleted, you can remove the USB cord whenever you want.

 Bluetooth Information

 * You have to pair your controller with a PS3 because it uses Bluetooth technology. All Bluetooth devices have to establish a wireless connection with each other so they can transmit data without the use of cords. Without some sort of setup process, any Bluetooth device would run the risk of accidentally connecting to a device it's not meant to interact with -- like your neighbor's video game console or computer. Some devices require you enter a specific code to set up the link, and others, like the DualShock 3 controllers, require that you connect the two first with a cord and then use them wirelessly.

 Vibration Settings

 * You have a few options available for configuring your DualShock 3 controller. These controllers have a vibration option, or "rumble pack," and you can enable or disable this feature anytime you want. Go to the "Settings" section of the XMB menu and select "Accessory Settings," then "Controller Vibration Function." If you're in the middle of playing a game, reach that option by pressing and holding the "PS" button until an onscreen menu appears, then select "Controller Settings.”

 Controller Status

 * When you pair your controller and continue using it, check its status in a couple of ways. Check its number simply by looking at the LEDs on the top of the controller. There are four LEDs to indicate controller numbers one through four, and two of them will light up if you’re assigned numbers five, six or seven. The lit LED or LEDs begin blinking if the battery is low and while the battery is recharging; they’ll stop blinking once the battery is fully charged. Reassign the controller number by pressing and holding the "PS" button during a game and selecting “Controller Settings,” or by navigating in the XMB menu to “Settings,” then “Accessory Settings,” then “Reassign Controllers.”


How to Connect a PS3 Controller to a PC Using Bluetooth

Things You'll Need

    * PC w/USB and Bluetooth capabilities
    * MotionJoy software package
    * USB cable with mini-B end
    * Dualshock 3 or Sixaxis wireless controller(s)

 1. Download and install a third-party software package, such as MotionJoy. The package should contain all the drivers and software needed to allow Bluetooth communications between the wireless controllers and the PC.

 2. Open the Windows "Start" menu. Click on "All Programs", "MotionJoy" and then right-click on "Install Bluetooth Driver". Select "Run as Administrator". Notepad will open, alerting you when the driver has been installed.

 3. Click on the Windows "Start" menu, followed by "Control Panel", "Printers and Other Devices" and "Game Controllers". The new Bluetooth controller should appear on the list. Do not close the controller window.

 4. Connect the USB cable to a USB port on the computer and the mini-B end to your Dualshock 3 or Sixaxis wireless controller. A USB game controller now appears in the game controller window.

 5. Close the controller window and disconnect the USB cord from the controller. The drivers have been successfully installed.

 6. Locate MotionJoy's "DS3 TOOL", which is located under "Start", "All Programs", then "MotionJoy". After the program loads, click "Pairing".

 7. Press the PS button on the connected wireless controller. Your Bluetooth controller is connected.
 8. Load a PC game with gamepad controller support. Your PS3's wireless controller is fully functional within the game.

How to Hookup Your Ps3 to Your Pc

While everyone knows that the PlayStation 3 is one of the most advanced game consoles to hit the market. Many are not aware of all of the features this mighty machine has to offer. In addition to Blu-Ray playback capability, the PlayStation also has the ability to play Divx, Windows Media Videos (WMV), Mpeg, DVD and a host of many other audio, video and picture formats. If this wasn't enough, Sony has also integrated wired and wireless network connection to alow internet access and file sharing. If you own a router, either wired and or wireless, a PC running Microsoft Windows XP or higher, you can easily setup a connection for file sharing.


  1. First you need all of the right equipment. You will need a PlayStation 3 game console, wired or wireless router (Ethernet cable if using the hard wired method) and a relatively modern computer running Microsoft Windows XP or higher. You must also ensure that you have the latest version of Windows Media Player to ensure the best performance.

  2. If you haven't already, you will need to setup a network connection from your PS3 to your router. Depending upon the type of router you own, you can establish a wired or wireless connection. Wired connection is always preferred in terms of connection quality, however, not the best option if you are unable to run Ethernet cable from the PlayStation 3 to the network router. If you choose to go wireless, make sure your network router utilizes wireless G technology or better. The PlayStation 3's built in wireless adapter uses "G". As different manufacturers have different setup procedures, Always look through your routers documentation to be able to setup the device with your computer network.

  3. Next, Make sure your computer is turned on. From your start menu, click on Control Panel from your Windows XP start button. Now click on "Set Up a Home or Small Office Connection" Follow the prompts until you get to the "File And Sharing" dialog box, make sure that this feature is turned on before proceeding. Finish the wizard. You may be prompted to restart the computer, Go ahead and restart.

  4. When your computer has restarted, go ahead and turn on your PS3. Navigate to your network connections menu and enable the media server function. Now go back over to your computer and open Windows Media Player. Right click the mouse in anywhere in the black area of the media player to show the toolbar menu. Click on Tools >Options. Now click on the Library tab on top of the dialog box. Then click on Configure Sharing. PlayStation 3 or "Unknown Device" should appear. Allow this connection and hit apply. Your Computer should now appear in the PlayStations XMB menu. If it does not appear, scroll to the "search for Media Servers" in your Video, Picture or music menus.

How to Use a PS3 Controller for a Computer

Did you know that you can play video games on your PC using your PS3 controller? You don't need to hassle with annoying keyboard configurations or awkward joysticks to play your favorite games online. Just follow these steps and add the convenience of a PS3 controller to your PC gaming experience.

  1. Download the PS3 DualShock3 Controller Driver file from http://www.zeromartz.com/wired-usb-game-controller-for-sony-ps3-and-pc-p-1191.html to your desktop.

  2. Unpack the file.

  3. Connect your PS3 controller to the computer using the USB cable. The lights on the controller should begin blinking.

  4. Go to the Control Panel from the Windows Start menu and click on "Systems."

  5. Click on the Hardware tab in the window that pops up, and then click on "Device Manager."

  6. Click "Human Interface Devices" in the Device Manager screen. Underneath will appear the option "USB Human Interface Device." Right-click on this and select "Update Driver."

  7. Click on "Install" from a list or specific location in the pop-up window. Select the "Don't search I will choose..." option on the next screen. Click "Next."

  8. Click "Have disk" on the next screen and then choose "Browse" and select "Desktop." From there, click "ds3 drivers" and choose "ds3drv1.02." Click through until you get to the file beginning "Dual shock." Open this and install the file.

  9. Go back to the control panel and click on "Game Controllers." Select "PlayStation 3 Controller" and go to Properties. Press the Home button in the middle of the PlayStation controller. You should then see the cursor in the box to the left of the window respond to your joystick when you move it.


How to Connect a PSP Go to a PS3 Controller Using a Computer

Connecting a Sony PSP Go to a PlayStation 3 enables a user to play PSP Go games with a PlayStation 3 controller. The controller is a more comfortable option for many players and allows more precise commands during game play. With the use of a computer and a few pieces of hardware, gamers can create a permanent Bluetooth connection link between their PSP Go device and their PlayStation 3 console.

Things You'll Need

    * PSP Go Charging Cable
    * PlayStation 3 controller with USB connector


  1. Download the MotioninJoy Driver to your computer.

  2. Connect the PlayStation 3 controller to your computer through the USB connector.

  3. Activate the PSP Go. Navigate to "Settings," followed by "Bluetooth Device Settings," and select it.

  4. Activate the Bluetooth device. Select "Manage Bluetooth Devices."

  5. Choose "Register a PS3 System Controller." Agree to the prompt.

  6. Attach the PSP Go to the computer with the USB cable so both the PSP Go and the PS3 controller are connected to the computer with a USB. Wait for the computer to pair the PSP Go with the PS3 controller.

  7. Run MotioninJoy on the computer, and select the DS3 tool. Click the "Load Driver" button in the menu that appears.

  8. Click the "Bluetooth Pair" tab at the top of the page. Select "Dualshock 3 and PSP Go pairing."

  9. Click "Pair Now" to pair the two devices. Wait for the screen to appear that tells you to disconnect the USB cables on both of the devices, and then do so.

How to Connect a Hama Boomerang Wireless PS3 Controller to the PS3 System

The Hama Boomerang is an unofficial wireless controller for Sony’s PlayStation 3 video game system. Unlike Sony’s official controllers, the Hama Boomerang requires you to connect its own USB receiver to the console before you can connect the controller and use it. The Boomerang is not recharged by the console’s USB ports like other controllers are, and is instead powered by three AAA batteries. The gamepad performs all the functions of a regular PlayStation 3 controller, but also has a macro button that allows you to store specific button sequences and rubberized hand grips.


  1. Remove the battery cover on the back of the controller, and insert three AAA batteries into the battery port. Replace the battery cover.

  2. Turn on your PlayStation 3, and then plug the receiver into a free USB port on the console. The “RX” light on the receiver will flash green when it is inserted properly.

  3. Move the controller's power switch to the “On” position and wait 10 seconds for it to detect a signal. The Connect light will glow red and the RX light will glow green when the controller has found a signal.

  4. Press the “PS” button on the controller to assign it to a free controller port and complete the connection process.

How to Sync a Remote Controller With a PS3

The PlayStation 3 (PS3) remote controller is wireless. Though this feature is handy, it does add a little additional work to the setup required for the console. Because the remote controller is wireless, you have to sync it with your console before you use it. If you skip this step, the wireless controller will try to communicate with every PS3 within range, rather than just the console you are using. To prevent this interference, you have to sync the remote control with your own PS3 as well as every time you want to use it with a different PS3. Everything you need to sync the wireless remote controller is provided with your PlayStation 3.

Things You'll Need

    * PS3 wireless remote controller


  1. Turn off your PS3 console and disconnect it from the power supply.

  2. Insert the USB cable provided with your console into an open contoller port. The controller ports are found on the left side of the front of the PS3.

  3. Insert the other end of the USB cable into the back of the wireless remote controller that you want to sync with the PS3.

  4. Reconnect the power supply to the PS3 and turn it on. The wireless remote control should sync automatically with your console. If it does not begin automatically, press the "PS" button at the center of your controller. This will begin the process. Once the sync is complete, you can disconnect the USB cable and the controller will communicate with your PS3.

How to Sync a PlayStation 3 Controller With the PS3 System

The PlayStation 3 supports both wired and wireless controllers. Included with the PS3 is a wireless controller. As with all wireless PS3 devices, the wireless PS3 controller must be synced, or paired, with the PS3. When pairing multiple controllers, the controllers must be synced one at a time using either the automatic or manual method.


 Automatic Method

  1. Turn on the PS3.

  2. Connect the PS3 controller to the PS3 using the supplied USB cable. The sync lights on the PS3 will flash.

  3. Wait a few seconds for the pairing to take place automatically.

 Manual Method

  1. Turn on the PS3.

  2. Connect the PS3 controller to the PS3 using the supplied USB cable.

  3. Press the "PS" button in the middle of the controller. The light on the controller will flash. When it stabilizes, the sync has completed.

PS3 Wireless Controller Response Problems

One of the convenient accessories of the PlayStation 3 gaming system, unavailable with previous versions of the console, is the wireless Dualshock 3 controller, which allows you to control your PS3 from anywhere in the same room. Excessively slow response when you press the controller's buttons can make it difficult to play games or control system features, however. To improve your device's performance, it's important to understand what causes this problem.


          * When you use the Dualshock 3 wireless controller for PS3 , the response time may slow down drastically if the battery does not have any charge left or its charge is severely low. This is more likely to happen if you are using the controller in wireless mode. Sony says that even when the wireless controller is not being used, it loses charge over time, so you need to charge it frequently. If you have to press the buttons hard in order for them to work, connect the controller to your gaming system using the USB cable and check the charge level from the gaming console's XrossMediaBar menu.


          * Before the controller can work, you must sync, or pair, it with your PS3 gaming console. In addition, your gaming system usually assigns a number to the controller. When several people are playing a game, this feature allows each user to identify the controller he is using during game play. If a controller's number has been cleared or the controller is simply behaving erratically, it may run into response problems. Connecting the controller to your gaming system using the USB cable may solve the problem. If one of the port indicators on the controller isn't solid red, pressing the "PS" button will automatically assign a new number to the controller.

          *  According to Sony, response speed to controller actions may be slow on an LCD display or PC display. This isn't a malfunction. If the response time is severely slow, try resetting the controller by pressing the "Reset" button on the back with a pointed object such as a pen. Keep in mind that resetting your controller restores it to the default factory settings. Once reset, pairing information is cleared, and you will have to pair it again with the PS3 system. In addition, the system will have to assign a new number to the controller.


          *  Be careful not to spill food and drinks on your controller. Food particles can get stuck within the buttons and cause response problems. If your controller is still not performing optimally, contact PlayStation support for additional troubleshooting. In some cases, the controller may need servicing, or if it can't be repaired, you may need to purchase a replacement. Opening the controller and attempting to fix it yourself may damage it even further, so avoid doing this as much as possible. Keep in mind that opening the controller will violate a valid warranty.


Black Wireless Bluetooth 6AXIS Controller For Sony PS3

  • USB wireless receiver included
  • Free you from cumbersome wires
  • Ultra-responsive dual analog sticks, directional pad and digital buttons offering you precise control over PS3 games
  • The PS3 Wireless Game Controller works on the PC with its USB connection, and compatible with all PC games which support USB controllers
  • Dual shock rumble technology
  • 2.4 GHz radio frequency connectivity
  • PS button provides access to PS3 system menu
  • Requires Windows 98 SE or above system for USB PC support
  • Simply hook up the Playstation 3 Wireless Game Controller to you PC and Windows will install the driver automatically
  • Runs on 2 AAA batteries (not included)
Details:2.4GHz Wireless Game Controller for PS3/PS2/PC - Black

Wireless Controller

Playstation 3 Wireless Game Controller

PS3 Wireless Game Controller

2.4GHz Wireless Game Controller for PS3/PS2/PC - Black
  • Free you from cumbersome wires
How to Use Wireless Controllers for PS3:
  • PlayStation 3 is a gaming system offering many features that are significantly different than those of its predecessor, PlayStation 2. One of the largest technological leaps between the two systems is that PlayStation 3 uses wireless Bluetooth controllers, whereas PlayStation 2 used standard, wired controllers. For some users, this leap in technology is a bit confusing.
  • Ensure your PlayStation 3 is properly set up and connected to your television, and that it's functioning properly. If you can't get your PlayStation 3 to start and display its start-up graphics, something isn't hooked up right. You'll need to fix it before you can use your wireless controller.
  • Plug the power cord for the PS3 wireless controller into one of the USB ports on the front of the PlayStation 3.
  • Plug the other end of the power cord into the access port on the top of your wireless controller.
  • Allow the wireless controller to charge, leaving it plugged into the PlayStation 3 undisturbed for several hours to gain a full charge.
  • Disconnect the PS3 wireless controller from the power cord. Press the PS button to start up the PlayStation 3. The PS button is in the middle of the controller. It is clear and displays the PlayStation logo of a letter P and a letter S molded together into one shape.
  • Use the wireless controller to control the PlayStation 3, exactly as you would have with a corded controller for earlier PlayStations.
Tips & Warnings:
  • Learn how to use the SixAxis elements of your wireless controller effectively by practicing. This is a new element of control Sony has added, and it may be a bit difficult to figure out at first. Just keep at it, and you'll learn through practice
  • If the red LED light on the PS3 wireless controller is flashing, this means that it's low on battery charge. When this occurs, save your game, then hook the controller up to charge
  • Charge your controllers after each use. It's frustrating to be in the middle of a difficult part of a game and suddenly have your controller's battery run out of juice, leaving you with no ability to control the system or the game until you've hooked the controller up to its power cord
How to Charge a PS3 Game Controller:
Most new PlayStation 3 consoles ship with one wireless controller included in the box. While there is a braided USB cable included to charge your controller, this can be unplugged once it is fully charged for a true wireless experience. However, you don't necessarily have to use your PlayStation 3 to charge your wireless controller. In fact, you can charge it using a variety of methods.

Using Your PlayStation 3 Console to Charge:
  • Plug the large end of the USB cable into one of the USB ports on your PlayStation 3 console
  • Plug the small end of the USB cable into the back of your PlayStation 3 wireless controller
  • Turn your PS3 on and you should see four red lights begin to flash on your wireless controller
  • Check the status of your wireless controller's battery by pressing the "PlayStation" button on your controller. Three bars indicate a fully charged battery
  • Unplug the USB cable once the four red lights stop flashing and turn into one solid red light, as this means your wireless controller is fully charged and ready to use. Note that you can still use your controller to play games on your PlayStation 3 while it is charging
Using Your PC:
  • Locate an available USB port on your PC. USB ports can typically be found on the back of your PC, though many include USB ports on the front as well
  • Make sure your PC is turned on before you start. Just like when charging from your PlayStation 3, the wireless controller needs a power source in order to charge
  • Plug the large end of the USB cable into the open USB port on your PC
  • Plug the small end of the USB cable into the back of your PlayStation 3 wireless controller
  • Unplug your controller when the four red lights stop flashing and turn into one solid red light. This means your controller is fully charged and ready to use
Using a PlayStation 3 Charging Station:
  • Plug your PlayStation 3 wireless controller charging station into a wall outlet via the included AC power cord
  • Place your PlayStation 3 wireless controller  directly onto the charging station to begin charging them. Depending on the charger's make and model, you may be able to charge anywhere from two to four PlayStation 3 wireless controllers at the same time
  • Remove your PlayStation 3 wireless controllers from the charging station when the four red lights stop blinking and turn to one solid red light. When charging multiple controllers, one may charge quicker than the other


USB Dual Controller Charger for PS3

The USB Dual Controller Charger for PS3 charges two PS3 Sony wireless controllers simultaneously.You only simply place the wireless controllers to the charger, connect the charger to an available USB port on your PS3, and the controllers will be fully charged automatically. Dock your controllers and plug it into the PS3 Controller Charger to charge the controller. This USB Controller Charger is compact design and convenient to use. This Dual Controller Charger is USB powered that is very convenient whatever you are.This PS3 Controller Charger cradle can charge two controllers simultaneously, and compatible with the USB output of your computer. Great choice for you!

  • Specifications:
    • This USB Controller Charger can charge up to 2 controllers simultaneously
    • This Dual Controller Charger is compatible with PS3 SIXAXIS controller
    • This PS3 Controller Charger is USB powered that is very convenient whatever you are
    • This PS3 Controller Charger is compact design and convenient to use
    • This PS3 Controller Charger cradle can charge two controllers simultaneously, and compatible with the USB output of your computer
    USB Dual Controller Charger for PS3
    PS3 Controller Charger
    • You only simply place the wireless controllers to the charger, connect the charger to an available USB port on your PS3, and the controllers will be fully charged automatically
    USB Controller Charger Dual Controller Charger
    • This PS3 Controller Charger cradle can charge two controllers simultaneously, and compatible with the USB output of your computer
    USB Dual Controller Charger for PS3
    • This Dual Controller Charger is USB powered that is very convenient whatever you are
    • The "metallic bars" as shown in the pictures varies from batch to batch. For the current batch there is no bars. In future batches the bars may show up again.
    Package Included: