
connect the internet using PSP

First off, you need to get to the main menu from wherever you are on your PSP. You can do that by pressing the Home button, a tiny button just to the lower left of the screen.
Now you'll want to move left (pressing the "<" button) until you get to Settings, then down (pressing the "V" button) until you get to Network Settings:

Sony PSP: Network Settings
Now you'll have two choices: "Ad Hoc" is when you want to connection two PSPs together with any sort of Internet wifi base station / access point involved, and "Infrastructure Mode" is when you connect to your local wifi device. The latter's what we want:

Sony PSP: Settings: Infrastructure Mode
You'll probably only have the one choice of New Connection, but if you don't, choose it anyway:

Sony PSP: Settings: New Connection
First option is to specify a mnemonic connection name. The default here is "Connection 2" but yours might be "Connection 1", or similar. I recommend you actually enter a different name so you'll be able to remember what location works where.

Sony PSP: Settings: Connection Name
To enter a new connection name, press the "X" button and you'll get to the "keyboard" screen:

Sony PSP: Settings: Enter Connection Name
When you're done struggling to enter your selected name :-) move to the green "Enter" box and press the "X" button. Now you'll be ready for the big important step: a Network Scan:

Sony PSP: Settings: Network Scan
If everything's working well with your device and you've turned on the WLAN switch (How to turn on the PSP WLAN Switch) you'll see the following status message:

Sony PSP: Settings: Scanning: Wait
Hopefully, you'll see at least one network listed, if not more. If you don't see any networks, then you're out of luck. If the only networks you see have some sort of security setting, either WPA or WEP, then you must know the security password to access that network.
Once you're ready, the next step you'll want to take is to select an access point:

Sony PSP: Settings: Select Access Point
In this case I'm going to select Steve Hardesty since it's the strongest network with the Security setting of "None":

Sony PSP: Settings: Settings
Now you'll have a chance to confirm your security setting from the different choices. Notice that the default is just about always the correct choice, which you can select by pushing the ">" button again and again:

Sony PSP: Security Settings
Now you can also step right past the Address Settings:

Sony PSP: Address Settings
You'll get a confirmation screen that shows all the settings you've specified:

Sony PSP: Setting List
Press the ">" button again, and you'll be able to save your settings:

Sony PSP: Save Network Settings
That's what you'll want to do: press "X".
Now, the most important step in the process - to Test Connection.

Sony PSP: Test Network Connection
You'll most definitely want to do this! Press "X" to start the test...

Sony PSP: Testing Access Point
If something's wrong, you might end up seeing this:

Sony PSP: Network Connection Error
If you do see that, then try moving closer to the wifi access point and rerunning the test, perhaps that'll fix things. Otherwise, try a different network connection.
Hopefully, however, you'll find that your connection works just fine:

Sony PSP: Settings: Connection Success
If you've gotten here, congratulations, you're online!
Let's just quickly test it by going online and checking the latest news. Again press Home but this time use the ">" button to move all the way to the right, then "V" to go down to Internet Browser:

Sony PSP: Internet Browser
Since you've already specified a connection, it'll use that:

Sony PSP: Connecting to Access Point
Everything should work just fine, and you'll either get to a blank page, the default page for your Web browser, or the page you've specified as your default. In my case, it's Google News:

Sony PSP: Network Connection @ Google News
That's all there is to it!

How to Download PSP Games to a PC

Media Go is a free software from Sony that allows you to download PSP games to your PC and then transfer the games to your PSP. The software makes PSP games, movies, TV shows and demos that are available in the Sony PlayStation store readily accessible to anyone with a personal computer. The process of downloading PSP games to your PC is a fairly straightforward one.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy


  1. Install and launch the Media Go software application onto your PC (see Resources).
  2. Click on "Store" in the left menu of the main application window. This will open the Sony PlayStation store interface within the main display window, and you will see a layout of available downloads to choose from.
  3. Click "Games" in the top menu in the Sony PlayStation store interface display to show the available games.
  4. Click on the desired game(s) in the store, and click the "Download" or "Purchase" button to begin the download to your PC. Once your download is complete, the game will appear in the Media Go library menu on the left-hand side.